Hi, my name is Dennis Bareis. This web site supplies a lot of free software that I have written for a number of operating systems. The software is currently mainly Windows 95/98/ME/NT/W2K/XP, OS/2 but there is also some DOS and Unix software.
Microsoft have awarded me an MVP (Most Valuable Professional) for my work and help to others in the Windows Installer area. My MAKEMSI tool allows you to quickly, automatically and reliably create or modify MSI, merge module or ICE validation suites etc. My MSIDIFF tool allows you to compare or decompile MSIs or other Windows Installer databases. My blog won't have much Windows Installer information as this generally goes straight into my manual, which includes a generic section on Windows Installer basics.
There are over 120 downloads including my free generic text manipulation tool which is frequently used as a html preprocessor for html, javascript and rexx development as well as my URL validation tool which I use to help ensure none of this sites external links have broken (or pages have moved). Some source code and other useful information such as my extensive list of commented links (all regularly validated) is also available.
The PPWIZARD download page has many add-ons including the very popular "JUNGLE" which is used to automatically create DHTML games (toddler keybanger) from images and sounds (contains the "game engine" as well as a game).
The JEDIT download page has macros which I am developing to make the editor better to use. I have only started on this but there are still some good downloads available.
I also use this site to improve my web skills and as a test bed for my free PPWIZARD (html preprocessor) which is used to build this site. Basically good looks (for my site!) are not high on my list of priorities, however I don't think I've done too badly!
Hi this site has over 100 free downloads of software I have written as well as over 700 well organised commented links.
This site uses frames (for speed and ease of navigation). I have added some of the main links, hopefully you will be able to use these without any more issues...
Main Links