.. | back to parent |
Born's WSH Bazaar |
http://freenet-homepage. de/gborn/WSHBazaar/ WSHBazaar.htm |
06 May 2007 12:10:42pm
Quite a good site with lots of links etc.
DevGuru VBScript Online Reference |
http://www.devguru.com/ Technologies/vbscript/ quickref/vbscript_intro. html |
18 July 2001 11:01:32am
A very well laid out online VBScript reference.
MSDN Windows Scripting |
http://msdn.microsoft. com/en-us/library/ ms950396.aspx |
13 July 2008 11:46:36am
A lot of good WSH information is available on this site. |
Script Center |
http://www.microsoft.com/ technet/scriptcenter/ default.mspx |
29 October 2004 5:03:22pm
This MS site actually has useful samples! There are both very simple and more advanced samples and snippets. Well worth a look if you are trying to work out how to do something.
VBE decoder - Decode all files encoded with screnc.exe |
http://www.interclasse. com/scripts/decovbe.php |
19 March 2004 6:08:51pm
This script give you a decoded listing from an encoded file. Supports *,je, ,vbe, .asp, .hta, .htm, .html If used under cscript, puts the result to stdout. The file can be multi-encoded (many scripts in the file, for ex. in an html file) Used under wscript, pops up the decoded file in a message box. |
VisualBasicScript.com the VBScript Directory |
http://www. visualbasicscript.com/ |
20 June 2001 2:05:14pm
Has WSH/DHTML and what looks like a well used forum. |
Windows Scripting Host |
http://www.cs.odu.edu/ ~wild/windowsNT/Spring00/ wsh.htm |
30 January 2001 2:18:10pm
Some very good WSH "snippets" and information.
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Sunday April 06 2014 at 5:42pm