MAKEMSI quickly and reliably creates MSI files in a non-programmatic way
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\->MAKEMSI Installs...->Samples Installed by MAKEMSI->Samples - Build New MSI/MSM->TryMeShortcuts.MM


This is one of the MAKEMSI samples which build a new MSI/MSM. This MSI makes use of these "TryMe.MM" files:

  1. TryMe.ver
  2. TryMe.rtf
;    MODULE NAME:   TryMeShortcuts.MM
;        $Author:   USER "Dennis"  $
;      $Revision:   1.5  $
;          $Date:   11 Aug 2017 10:06:12  $
;       $Logfile:   D:/DBAREIS/Projects.PVCS/Win32/MakeMsi/TryMeShortcuts.MM.pvcs  $
; ~~~~~~~~~~~
; Demonstrates shortcut creation.
; Note that the standard Windows Installer "ProgramMenuFolder" system folder
; property points to the "all users" location for per-machine installs else
; into the users "Start->Programs" location.
; An "advertised" shortcut is one which will invoke a repair or installation
; on demand if required before invoking the program.  There is no way of
; specifying the program being invoked (stupid as you can specify the arguments)
; so the associated program will be launched.  Users have limited shortcut
; editing ability and the shortcuts will stop working when a new version of
; the product is installed (only an issue if the user makes their own copy).
; A non-advertised shortcut is the traditional shortcut that has always been
; around.
; The default for MAKEMSI is a per machine install (ALLUSERS=1) so the
; shortcuts are created for "all users".  The standard Microsoft validation
; suite does not understand the context and for this reason will create
; 2 warning messages if the "NonAdvertisedShortcut" component is created
; with file keypath or LM=Y (rather than CU=Y which it wants).
; However if you do use CU=Y then an unnecessary repair will take place for
; each user to create the per-user component keypath.  This is one case where
; it is wise to ignore a validation message (be sure you understand them first
; though).

;--- Override some MAKEMSI options ------------------------------------------
#define  VER_FILENAME.VER  TryMe.Ver  ;;I only want one VER file for all samples!

;--- Include MAKEMSI support (with my customisations and MSI branding) ------
#include "ME.MMH"

;--- Create INSTALLDIR (apply an icon to the installation folder) -----------
<$DirectoryTree Key="INSTALLDIR" Dir="c:\program files\TryMe (makemsi sample)\<$MAKEMSI_MM_BASENAME>" CHANGE="\" PrimaryFolder="Y">
<$FolderIcon DirKey="INSTALLDIR" IconFile="TryMe.ico" InfoTip="### This text is seen if you hover over the folder ###">
                                 <$Component "FolderIcon_ICON" Create="Y" Directory_="INSTALLDIR">
                                      <$File SOURCE="TryMe.ico" KeyPath="Y" Comment="Used as folder icon">

;--- Create Advertised shortcut to "open" "TryMeShortcuts.MM" ---------------
<$Component "AdvertisedShortcut" Create="Y" Directory_="INSTALLDIR">
    ;--- Add the files to the "TryMe" component -----------------------------
    <$File SOURCE="TryMeShortcuts.MM" KeyPath="Y">

    ;--- Add the shortcut (advertise the "complete" feature) ----------------
        ;--- Advertised shortcut in "Start->programs" -----------------------
                   Dir="ProgramMenuFolder"          ;;Add to "Start->Programs
                 Title="Opens TryMeShortcuts.MM (via default association)"
           Description=^This advertised shortcut simply opens "TryMeShortcuts.MM" in associated handler (probably notepad)!^

;--- Create non-advertised shortcut (in Start->Programs->TryMeShortcuts (non-advertised) ---
<$Component "NonAdvertisedShortcut" Create="Y" Directory_="INSTALLDIR">
    ;--- Create directory (add to "RemoveFile" table to keep validations happy) ---
    <$DirectoryTree Key="MY_SHORTCUT_FOLDER" Dir="[ProgramMenuFolder]\TryMeShortcuts (non-advertised)" MAKE="Y" REMOVE=Y">

    ;--- Install "TryMe.VER" ------------------------------------------------
    <$File SOURCE="TryMe.VER" KeyPath="Y" RowKey="TryMe.VER">

    ;--- Create shortcut which invokes "notepad" to view the file -----------
                 Title="Open TryMeShortcuts .VER File"
           Description=^This non-advertised shortcut simply opens "TryMe.VER" in notepad!^
;            Arguments=^"[INSTALLDIR]TryMeShortcuts.MM"^  ;;Not so good (as not self validating - mistake only picked up by testing shortcut)
             Arguments=^"[!TryMe.VER]"^                   ;;Better as will self validate, build fails if you forget to add file!

    ;--- As mentioned above we can ignore validation warnings as install is per-machine ---
    <$MsiValFilter "Component NonAdvertisedShortcut has non-advertised shortcuts. It should use a registry key under HKCU as its KeyPath"  Comment=^Not true, this MSI installs per-machine^>
    <$MsiValFilter "Component 'NonAdvertisedShortcut' has both per-user and per-machine data with a per-machine KeyPath."                  Comment=^Not true, this MSI installs per-machine^>

;--- Define Reusable macro (best defined in "common header") for uninstall shortcut ---
    ;--- Note that MS don't like, they want you to go via Add-Remove Applet ---
    #define UninstallShortcut               ;;Version 07.119

    ;--- Make PER-MACHINE (practical) or PER-USER (keep MS happy) component? ---
    #if ['{$LOGO=^N^ $$UPPER}' = 'Y']
        ;--- Create PER-USER component (For LOGO, keep Microsoft happy) -----
        #define+ @@CU  Y
        #define+ @@LM  N
        ;--- Create PER-MACHINE component (less annoying for multiple users) ---
        #define+ @@CU  N
        #define+ @@LM  Y

    ;--- Direct Uninstall or Maintenance Dialog (preferred & default)? ------
    #if ['{$Maint=^Y^ $$UPPER}' = 'N']
        ;--- Direct Uninstall (no repair options etc) -----------------------
        #define+ @@What       Uninstall
        #define+ @@WhatSwitch /x
        ;--- The Default, use maintenance dialog (can choose remove) --------
        #define+ @@What       Maintain
        #define+ @@WhatSwitch /i

    ;--- Define the component -----------------------------------------------
    <$Component "UninstallShortcut" Create="Y" Directory_="<$AnyDir>" LM="<$@@LM>"  CU="<$@@CU>">
        ;--- Create shortcut (unfortunately ICE lac of smarts will interpret as PER-USER) ---
                     Title=^{$Title=~<$@@What> <$ProdInfo.ProductName>~}^
                    Target="[System64Folder]msiexec.exe"                   ;;Windows Installer EXE
                 Arguments=^<$@@WhatSwitch> [ProductCode] {$Args=''}^      ;;Maint/Uninstall switch and product code (plus possible extra user parms)
               Description=^{$ToolTip=~<$@@What>s <$ProdInfo.ProductName> version <$ProductVersion>~}^

        ;--- No need to ignore ICE messages if creating as per LOGO requirements ---
        #if ['{$LOGO $$UPPER}' <> 'Y']
            ;--- Installed PER-MACHINE, Stop the whinging... ----------------
            <$MsiValFilter "Component UninstallShortcut has non-advertised shortcuts. It's KeyPath registry key should fall under HKCU"  Comment=^Not true, this MSI installs per-machine^>
            <$MsiValFilter "Component 'UninstallShortcut' has both per-user and per-machine data with a per-machine KeyPath"             Comment=^Not true, this MSI installs per-machine^>

;--- Add the UNINSTALL shortcut ---------------------------------------------
<$UninstallShortcut SCDIR="MY_SHORTCUT_FOLDER" Icon="@.\TryMe.ico">
;<$UninstallShortcut SCDIR="MY_SHORTCUT_FOLDER" Icon="@.\TryMe.ico" Maint='N' Args="/qb">  ;;Direct Uninstall, Don't confirm (NOT recommended)

Microsoft awarded me an MVP (Most Valuable Professional award) in 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008 & 2009 for the Windows SDK (Windows Installer) area.Please email me any feedback, additional information or corrections.
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MAKEMSI© is (C)opyright Dennis Bareis 2003-2008 (All rights reserved).
Saturday May 28 2022 at 3:11pm
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Microsoft awarded me an MVP (Most Valuable Professional award) in 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008 & 2009 for the Windows SDK (Windows Installer) area.