\MAKEMSI Installs...Samples Installed by MAKEMSISamples - Build New MSI/MSM
Samples - Build New MSI/MSM |
This section lists samples which can be built from where they are
installed by MAKEMSI to create a new MSI.
The "Quick Start Guide" section
should hopefully ensure you can build MSIs within minutes of installing
Available samples are
(I suggest you try and/or examine these in this order):
- TryMe.MM, TryMe.VER and TryMe.RTF
- TryMeAddVersionKeywordAndLaunchCondition.MM
- TryMeConditionDialogs.MM
- TryMeCreate[START]OfMsiFromScratch.MM
- TryMeLoadDirTreeMaintainingAttributes.MM
- TryMeCreateIisSite.MM
- TryMeDllCustomAction.MM
- TryMeDualPurposePackage-SupportsWinXP.MM
- TryMeDutch.MM
- TryMeExcelAddIn.MM
- TryMeExtnAction.MM
- TryMeCreateMergeModule.MM
- TryMeShortcuts.MM
- TryMeTaskSchedules.MM
- TryMeTemplate-SimpleSchedule.MM
- TryMeUpdateRegistry00-99.MM
- TryMeUseMergeModule.MM
- TryMeUserInputUsed2CreateFile.MM
- TryMeWithFixedGuids.MM
- TryMeWithMultipleMedia.MM
- TryMeWithNoRootFeature.MM
- TryMeWithNonAdvShortcutPlusMore.MM
- TryMeWithUserDialog.MM
- TryMeWindowsHotFix.MM