MAKEMSI Installs...
Installed Shortcuts and Options
View Verbose MSI Log
This option is available on the right click explorer context menu for
text files.
This option displays a verbose log (possibly generated by the
"Install - Verbose Logging" option) in a formatted way
which is much easier to read than in a
text editor.
This option requires the Windows Installer SDK file
"WILOGUTL.EXE" to be in the MAKEMSI installation directory or pointed to
by the "MAKEMSI_WILOGUTL_EXE" environment variable
(installed by MAKEMSI if it finds the tool in the "program files" folder tree).
This option will create a "Verbose.TMP" directory with a number of text files
containing "summary", "error" and "policy" information
(these are not displayed, you may wish to examine these in a text editor).
A HTML version of the log is also generated in this directory and
it will be displayed in a browser.