LineContinuation=["]FullOrPartialSpecification["] |
This #option command allows you to alter the current Line Continuation characters or indeed turn it off altogether.
The "FullOrPartialSpecification" parameter can be one of the following:
See the Line Continuation section of this document for more details. Your editor may not like the low ascii down arrow character (or you may hate it!), this option allows you to easily change it to another character of your choice.
Example 1 |
We just wish to change the '\' so that we use '~' instead, so that we would use '-~' etc:
#option LineContinuation="~"
Example 2 |
Get rid of the down arrow variation, otherwise stick with defaults:
#option LineContinuation="\@-+ " ;;'@\' now used for "newline" continuation
Example 3 |
This example changes the down arrow character to the ASCII character decimal 20, no real reason however it does demonstrate a more complex possibility:
#evaluate NewDownArrow 'd2c(20)' #option LineContinuation=%\<$NewDownArrow>-+ ^