PPWIZARD is a free preprocessor for HTML, REXX, Visual Basic or any text files.
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Upper / Lower Case Configuration |
The very first time PPWIZARD executes some code that performs character conversions between lower and upper case it configures itself.
PPWIZARD looks for the following macros:
The above macros should list all characters that are converted between upper and lower case. If not found then the 26 English lower (a-z) and upper (A-Z) characters are used.
I have a polish example below, if anyone sends me other languages I will add these for others (thanks).
EXAMPLE - Polish |
The following shows how PPWIZARD can be configured for polish characters:
#evaluate ^PPWIZARD_LOWERCASE^ ^xrange('a', 'z') || 'B1B9E6EAB3F1F3B69CBFBC9F'x^ #evaluate ^PPWIZARD_UPPERCASE^ ^xrange('A', 'Z') || 'A1A5C6CAA3D1D3A68CAFAC8F'x^
Remember this needs to be configured early otherwise PPWIZARD may have already decided to use English.
EXAMPLE - Russian (thank you "DXMan") |
The following shows how PPWIZARD can be configured for russian characters:
;--- Only for KOI8-R locale! --- #define PPWIZARD_LOWERCASE ÁÂ×ÇÄÅ£ÖÚÉÊËÌÍÎÏÐÒÓÔÕÆÈÃÞÛßÙØÜÀÑ #define PPWIZARD_UPPERCASE áâ÷çäå³öúéêëìíîïðòóôõæèãþûÿùøüàñ
To Send Me the Codes for other Languages |
So that code page or other issues don't corrupt the characters, either use code like the "polish" example above (where no 'special' characters are used) or use code similar to this to generate hex codes (which you capture) that I can use when adding the example to the PPWIZARD manual:
;--- Only for KOI8-R locale! --- #define PPWIZARD_LOWERCASE ÁÂ×ÇÄÅ£ÖÚÉÊËÌÍÎÏÐÒÓÔÕÆÈÃÞÛßÙØÜÀÑ #define PPWIZARD_UPPERCASE áâ÷çäå³öúéêëìíîïðòóôõæèãþûÿùøüàñ ;--- Generate Info to send to Dennis! --- #DefineRexx '' HexLower = c2x('<$PPWIZARD_LOWERCASE>'); HexUpper = c2x('<$PPWIZARD_UPPERCASE>'); call say 'LOWER = ' || HexLower; call say 'UPPER = ' || HexUpper; #DefineRexx ------------------------ LOWER = '<??HexLower>'x; UPPER = '<??HexUpper>'x; ------------------------