MAKEMSI Installs...
Available Frameworks
Validation Suites (create CUB files)
Validation Suites + Orca Integration
Validation Suites + Orca Integration |
"ORCA" will not be able to use your validation suite without you
installing the generated CUB file in a particular way as part of
another MSI package.
The CUB file needs to be installed as part of a qualified component as
demonstrated below:
; $Author: USER "Dennis" $
; $Revision: 1.2 $
; $Date: 22 Jul 2006 10:07:42 $
; $Logfile: C:/DBAREIS/Projects.PVCS/Win32/MakeMsi/IceAddToOrca.MM.pvcs $
; COPYRIGHT: (C)opyright Dennis Bareis, Australia, 2003
; All rights reserved.
; ~~~~~~~~~~~
; Creates an MSI which updates ORCA's menu to include a new CUB file.
;--- Define validation Suite and ensure it exists ---------------------------
#define CUB_FILE out\ICE.mm\MSI\Validations Plus Custom (by Dennis Bareis).CUB
#if FileQueryExists("<$CUB_FILE>") = ''
#error ^The CUB file "<$CUB_FILE>"{NL}doesn't exist!{NL}{NL}Have you built it using "ICE.MM" yet?^
;--- Load MAKEMSI (via wrapper) ---------------------------------------------
#include "DENNIS.MMH"
;--- Create INSTALLDIR ------------------------------------------------------
<$DirectoryTree Key="INSTALLDIR" Dir="c:\program files\<$ProdInfo.ProductName>" CHANGE="\" PrimaryFolder="Y">
;--- Create a qualified component holding the file --------------------------
<$Component "DBVALID.CUB" Create="Y" Directory_="INSTALLDIR">
;--- Add the CUB file to this component (make Keypath) -------------------
<$Files "<$CUB_FILE>" KeyFile="*">
;--- Qualify this component ----------------------------------------------
<$Table "PublishComponent">
Feature_="<$Feature?>" ;;"Current" feature's name.
Component_="<$Component?>" ;;"Current" component's name. I THINK the keypath is used by ORCA to know which ICE DB to run...
ComponentId="{DC441E1D-3ECB-4DCF-B0A5-791F9C0F4F5B}" ;;GUID obtained by examining the ORCA MSI
Qualifier="<$ProdInfo.ProductName><$ProductVersion>" ;;Any (I assume unique) identifier will do...
AppData=^Validation suite created by "ICE.MM"^ ;;Text ORCA will display in it's menu