MAKEMSI Installs...
Samples Installed by MAKEMSI
Samples - Build New MSI/MSM
TryMeWithMultipleMedia.MM |
This is one of the MAKEMSI samples which build a new MSI/MSM.
This MSI makes use of these "TryMe.MM" files:
- TryMe.ver
- TryMe.rtf
There are many compile options that can be configured.
; MODULE NAME: TryMeWithMultipleMedia.MM
; $Author: USER "Dennis" $
; $Revision: 1.7 $
; $Date: 07 Oct 2005 17:18:08 $
; $Logfile: C:/DBAREIS/Projects.PVCS/Win32/MakeMsi/TryMeWithMultipleMedia.MM.pvcs $
; ~~~~~~~~~~~
; Slightly more complicate example than "TryMe.MM".
; Demonstrates how you can create multiple cabs for multiple CD-ROM or other
; media.
; I used a very large value for "COMPILE_RESERVED_BYTES_ON_MEDIA1" to ensure
; that we will generate at least 2 cab files for the purposes of this example.
; To test the generated MSI you will either need to create the MEDIA or
; copy the cab in "MSI\OtherDisks.MSI\AppDisk #2" to the "MSI" directory.
; The "AppDisk #2" is the default directory for cabs for disk 2 and also
; by default the correct volume label for this disk is "AppDisk #2".
; ~~~~~~~~~
; Note that by default DEVELOPMENT mode puts all the cabs in the MSI
; directory to make testing simple (no need to create media). When built
; in PRODUCTION mode the cabs for disk 2 onwards will be generated
; into "media" directories.
;--- Override some MAKEMSI options ------------------------------------------
#define VER_FILENAME.VER TryMe.Ver ;;I only want one VER file for all samples!
;--- Override SOME Cabinet settings -----------------------------------------
#define COMPILE_TYPE <$COMPILE_CAB_EXTERNAL_WITH_MSI> ;;Cabs obviously can't be imbedded in the MSI!
#define COMPILE_CABDDF_MaxDiskSize <$COMPRESS_CAPACITY_CDROM> ;;How big is the media (default = "unlimited")?
#define COMPILE_MEDIA_VolumeLabel_TEMPLATE MyApp Disk #{#} ;;What labels will the media have (media insertion will be validated)
;--- "Stupid" values to ensure we get 2 cabs over 2 media -------------------
#define+ COMPILE_CABDDF_MaxDiskSize 600000 ;;Approx 600K (overrides realistic value above)
#define COMPILE_RESERVED_BYTES_ON_MEDIA1 200000 ;;Approx 200K
;--- Include MAKEMSI support (with my customisations and MSI branding) ------
#include "ME.MMH"
;--- Create INSTALLDIR ------------------------------------------------------
<$DirectoryTree Key="INSTALLDIR" Dir="c:\program files\TryMe (makemsi sample)\<$MAKEMSI_MM_BASENAME>" CHANGE="\" PRIMARYFOLDER="Y">
;--- Grab a fair few files (any will do as long as a reasonable number of bytes) ---
<$Component "TryMe" Create="Y" Directory_="INSTALLDIR">
;--- Add the files to the "TryMe" component -----------------------------
<$Files "..\..\..\*.mmh;*.exe" KeyFile="*"> ;;The installed MAKEMSI files