\Tips and TricksToolsTEE.REX
This tool is provided with MAKEMSI.
It is used during the compile step to display the output
while also logging it.
| TEE: Version 2K.232 (C)opyright Dennis Bareis 2000 |
| http://www.labyrinth.net.au/~dbareis/index.htm (dbareis@labyrinth.net.au) |
AnyCommand 2>&1 | REGINA.EXE TEE[.REX] [drive:][path]FileName [GbSpecs]
This command is used to intercept stdout, stderr or both and send it to
the specified file as well as outputting it to stdout.
Whenever a pipe is used the original commands return code is lost, the
"GbSpecs" parameters allow you to build your own return code based on
on the output text.
A simple string such as "ERROR" or "WARNING" is what I call a "BAD" spec
since if the strings are found then the return code will be non-zero.
When a string is preceeded by "!" I call this a good spec as this string
must be present for a 0 return code. You can mix good and bad specs.