The "Summary" Command |
This command is used to either modify summary information stream properties. These are mainly used to display properties when you select right click then properties within explorer however some fields are used by Windows Installer for other MSI only related purposes (compression options is an example).
This command takes these parameters:
In the above color was used to indicate the property types, these are integers, times and strings.
You should use "*VALUE" if you have a VBSCRIPT expression which resolves to a string (use "cstr()" if you get a type mismatch). The "*value" parameter only makes a difference for string items!
A string type is treated as a literal value unless "*value" used, all other types should be supplied as VB expressions (or you will probably get a syntax error in the generated code (such as "Expected end of statement").
To remove a summary item assign the string "Empty" (remember to use "*VALUE" for string items).
Summary Dialog in ORCA |
This shows the summary information dialog for an msi created using "TryMe.MM" in "ORCA":
;--- Set up some summary items ---------------------------------------------- <$Summary "AUTHOR" VALUE="<?PpwizardAuthor>"> <$Summary "CODEPAGE" VALUE=^1252^> ;;Integer summary type <$Summary "TEMPLATE" Value="Intel;1033"> <$Summary "TITLE" VALUE=^'ASDF"^> <$Summary "COMMENTS" VALUE="line 1<$CRLF>Line 2"> <$Summary "EDITTIME" VALUE="date()"> <$Summary "LASTPRINTED" VALUE="now()"> <$Summary "CREATE_DTM" VALUE=^cdate("24 January 2006")^> <$Summary "LASTSAVE_DTM" VALUE="#26 Feb 2006 11:23:04 am#"> ;--- Remove summary item (make null) ---------------------------------------- <$Summary "LASTPRINTED" VALUE=^Empty^>