\Tips and TricksToolsSTRFINFO.EXE
This tool is provided with MAKEMSI.
It is used to extract "STRFINFO" (file version type information from
| STRFINFO v03.310 : Extracts STRINGFILEINFO text from executables. |
| (C)opyright Dennis Bareis 2002,2003 |
| ALL RIGHTS RESERVED (dbareis@labyrinth.net.au) |
The file "-?" does not exist!
StrFInfo[.EXE] ExeDllOcxFileName [Property1 [Property2 ...]]
FileDescription FileVersion InternalName OriginalFileName
ProductName ProductVersion
CompanyName LegalCopyRight
Properties are generated to stdout in the order supplied, one per line.
A value of "FAILED" means a propery did not exist.
A scripting language such as REXX, PERL or VBSCRIPT would normally be used
to parse the generated (redirected) output.
A return code of 0 or 1 means that some properties exist.
A return code of 1 means that NONE of those you requested exist.
A return code of 2 means that the file does not exist.
Any other return codes probably mean that STRFILEINFO is unavailable, not
all executables will have the information.