We have the "Install - Verbose Logging" option but rather than generate a whole series of variations I have created this option which provides a menu which you can enhance.
This option is not available in WIN95-ME and should look similar to:
You simply choose the correct command and click execute and the command displayed in the text box will be executed. You may alter the command in the text box prior to clicking the execute button.
Configuration: MenuMsi.INI |
The INI file "MenuMsi.INI" in the installation directory is used to populate the options list.
MAKEMSI installs some default options under the "[MAKEMSI]" section, do not touch this section. To add or override existing options create one or more new sections with any name and add your keys there. MAKEMSI uninstallation will remove any section/keys it added but leave yours alone.
To override an existing MAKEMSI option, you may duplicate (once) a MAKEMSI key. No other duplication is supported.
The options are sorted by the INI "key" so choose it carefully. A value for a key of "Install" will be the default value when the dialog is initially displayed. The "value" associated with a key consists of these parts:
As this command supports non "MSIEXEC.EXE" based commands, all command lines must be start with the executable name (this should be available via the path or be fully qualified). You could use normal environment variable expansion if you execute the command via the command processor.
The text replacement codes (which are case sensitive) are:
The control codes (which are case sensitive) are:
The following is a small (but most complicated) sample:
[MAKEMSI] Install-Extract-Admin_HERE=Administrative Installation - Extract "HERE"|{?:MSIEXEC.EXE} /a "{?}" TARGETDIR="{!:MD}{?:P}\AdminInstall\{?:B}{!:MD}" /l*v "{?}.ADMIN.MsiLog"
Default INI Options |
The following are the default options installed by MAKEMSI, as discussed above any of these options can be replaced if desired:
Choice | Command |
Normal Installation | {?:MSIEXEC.EXE} /i "{?}" /l*v "{?}.INST.MsiLog" |
Basic Installation | {?:MSIEXEC.EXE} /i "{?}" /l*v "{?}.BINST.MsiLog" /qb |
Silent Installation | {?:MSIEXEC.EXE} /i "{?}" /l*v "{?}.SINST.MsiLog" /qn |
Normal Installation (PER-MACHINE) | {?:MSIEXEC.EXE} /i "{?}" /l*v "{?}.InstPm.MsiLog" ALLUSERS=1 |
Normal Installation (PER-USER) | {?:MSIEXEC.EXE} /i "{?}" /l*v "{?}.InstPu.MsiLog" ALLUSERS="" |
Administrative Installation | {?:MSIEXEC.EXE} /a "{?}" /l*v "{?}.ADMIN.MsiLog" |
Administrative Installation - Extract "HERE" | {?:MSIEXEC.EXE} /a "{?}" /l*v "{?}.ADMIN.MsiLog" TARGETDIR="{!:MD}{?:P}\AdminInstall\{?:B}{!:MD}" |
Uninstallation | {?:MSIEXEC.EXE} /x "{?}" /l*v "{?}.UNINST.MsiLog" |