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\->Tips and Tricks->Launch Conditions->MDAC not too old?

Launch Condition: MDAC not too old?

This is an example of a macro call which will validate that the level of MDAC your application requires is available:

<$ValidateMdacVersion LowestVersion="2.82">

The follow code is what actually implements the macro you used above:

    #define ValidateMdacVersion

    ;--- Validate parameters ------------------------------------------------
    {$!:LOWESTVERSION}          ;;Lists all valid parameters

    ;--- Make sure we know how to insert the file version compare code ------
    #ifndef  INCLUDE_VBSCRIPT_FUNCTION-CompareFileVersions
        #error ^You must define the file version compare code in the{NL}macro "INCLUDE_VBSCRIPT_FUNCTION-CompareFileVersions",{NL}See the MAKEMSI tip in the manual!^

    ;--- Only allowed once (or specify the same version) --------------------
    #ifdef  @@CheckedMdacVersion
        ;--- This is not the first time, check same version! ----------------
        #if  ['<$@@CheckedMdacVersion>' <> '{$LowestVersion}']
            #error ^You wish to check for MDAC "{$LowestVersion}" however you have previously also specified version "<$@@CheckedMdacVersion>"!^
        ;--- First time so record the version and flag it -------------------
        #define @@CheckedMdacVersion {$LowestVersion}

        ;--- Get the value from the registry (could also do in script) ------
                    NAME="FullInstallVer"       ;;See MSDN Article #301202

        ;--- Adjust the value to something Windows Installer can compare ----
        <$VbsCa Binary="SeeIfMdacVersionIsHighEnough.vbs">
        #( '<?NewLine>'
           <$VbsCaEntry "Install">
                ;--- Init ---------------------------------------------------
                dim RequiredVer, InstalledVer
                RequiredVer = "{$LowestVersion}"
                CaDebug 1, "Validating MDAC version (must be at least " & RequiredVer & ")"
                InstalledVer = VbsCaPropertyGet("MDACVERSION", "2.52.5566", "")
                CaDebug 2, "MDAC version " & InstalledVer & " is installed."

                ;--- Compare ------------------------------------------------
                CaDebug 0, "Comparing the versions..."
                dim CompRc, PropertyValue
                CompRc = CompareFileVersions(InstalledVer, RequiredVer)
                if  CompRc = <$FILEVER_RC_F1_EQUAL_F2> or CompRc = <$FILEVER_RC_F1_GREATER_THAN_F2> then
                    PropertyValue = "OK"
                    PropertyValue = "ERROR"
                end if

                ;--- set the property ---------------------------------------
                CaDebug 0, "Setting property to: " & PropertyValue
                session.Property("MDAC_STATUS") = PropertyValue

           ;--- Add required compare function(s) ----------------------------
        <$VbsCaSetup Binary="SeeIfMdacVersionIsHighEnough.vbs" Entry="Install" Seq="AppSearch-" SeqTable=^{$SeqTable='InstallUISequence InstallExecuteSequence'}^ TYPE="immediate" Key="SeeIfMdacVersionIsHighEnough.vbs" CONDITION=^<$CONDITION_INSTALL_ONLY>^>

        ;--- Now report any problem (could also be done in CA) --------------
               Condition=^MDAC_STATUS <> "OK"^
                 Message=^This product (<$ProdInfo.ProductName>) requires MDAC version {$LowestVersion} or later. Only MDAC version "[MDACVERSION]" is installed, please upgrade before trying again.^

The above code made use of a macro ("INCLUDE_VBSCRIPT_FUNCTION-CompareFileVersions") described in the "File Version Compare Code" tip.

Microsoft awarded me an MVP (Most Valuable Professional award) in 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008 & 2009 for the Windows SDK (Windows Installer) area.Please email me any feedback, additional information or corrections.
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Saturday May 28 2022 at 3:11pm
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Microsoft awarded me an MVP (Most Valuable Professional award) in 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008 & 2009 for the Windows SDK (Windows Installer) area.