Environment Variable: MAKEMSI_MM_CODEPAGE |
This environment variable is only used by the "MM.CMD" batch file.
If this variable doesn't exist the the codepage used is 1252 (Western European). It was determined that this code page is required to correctly handle some files or directories containing international characters. PPWIZARD may not be able to "see" some files if the code page is wrong.
Its possible that other code page values will be required for some countries so this environment variable lets you specify them. If it contains "?" then no codepage manipulation is performed. The code page is set using the Windows "CHCP" command. The output of this command appears in the "console log".
Choosing the Correct Value |
To be honest I'm not really sure how but a bit of trial and error should help and you can get a list of available codepages by looking at (in WINXP) "StartSettingsControl PanelRegional and Language OptionsAdvanced" and looking at the "ticked" codepages as shown below:
If 1252 didn't work, you could also try 1250 (Eastern European).
Help |
If you need to use another codepage then please let me know the language and code page value you needed to use and I will document it for others.