FilesInUse Dialog - Display if Program Running |
This is a User Interface Tips example to demonstrate how you can use a custom action to detect running programs and add these to any "FilesInUse" dialog.
Note that I don't try to terminate the programs although WMI is perfectly capable of doing this. We have no idea of the impact of doing so, for example the user may be editing a critical document which will be lost if the task is simply killed. You should also be aware of the "pending restart bugs".
I have broken this example into two components, a reusable macro which can be used in other scripts and the code which invokes this macro for this specific script.
EXAMPLE - Script Code |
This code uses a "#data" structure to supply the information about the programs which we wish to look for and then passes this to the macro (shown below).
#data "Need2Stop" 3 ;---1. Pgm Name (RegExp) 2. Command Line (RegExp) 3. User Friendly Name -------------- ".*Excel.EXE" ".*" "Microsoft Excel" ".*NotePad.EXE" ".* 1.txt" "The notepad editor editing 1.txt" #data <$ShowFilesInUseForExecutingPrograms "Need2Stop">
WINXP onwards supports command line checking, where not possible the code will just ignore the command line mask (the 2nd parameter), the code will always first attempt to match the executable name. Case insensitive regular expressions are used to match the program name and command line.
EXAMPLE - Reusable Code in Macro |
This is some reusable code which should be placed into one of your header files so that it is never repeated. This ensures that you can make all improvements or fixes in the one central location. As all your MSIs reuse the same code the total testing required is reduced.
The "IsProgramRunning()" function uses WMI, you may need to rewrite this function for more general use (its OK as is if it is deployed to a managed environment where WMI is expected to exist). There are a number of suitable command line tools which will report running tasks, you might also be able to detect the Window by title with other techniques.
If WMI is not available the script will not successfully complete.
Please note that this example doesn't do anything if the install is silent, it should perhaps invoke the "ForceReboot" action and use the "AFTERREBOOT" property (let me know if you make this changes - thanks). I am trying to get information on exactly how Windows Installer handles files that are in use. This is another example of why it is a good idea to centralise code, it allows you to do the best possible job in the time available and as time or information becomes available it is simple to update.
#( '<?NewLine>' ;--- You may wish to replace contents of macro with your own code ---- #define? VBSFunction.CountOfProgramOccurances ;;Version 10.051 '============================================ function CountOfProgramOccurances(RegExp4ProgramName, RegExp4CommandLine, UserFriendlyName) ' ' This function encapsulates the code required to test ' whether a program is executing. ' Note that WMI is used, this may not work on all ' operating systems or boxes (its probably best used ' in a managed environment). ' Replace the logic in this function if required. '============================================ ;--- Log entry --------------------------------------------------- CountOfProgramOccurances = 0 CaDebug 0, "CountOfProgramOccurances() : " & UserFriendlyName VbsCaLogInc 1 CaDebug 0, "RegExp4ProgramName = " & RegExp4ProgramName CaDebug 0, "RegExp4CommandLine = " & RegExp4CommandLine ;--- Run the query ----------------------------------------------- dim oWMI : set oWMI = GetObject("winmgmts:") dim Query : Query = "select * from Win32_Process" CaDebug 0, "Executing QUERY: " & Query dim oPrograms : set oPrograms = oWmi.ExecQuery(Query) CaDebug 0, "Found " & oPrograms.Count & " programs running, we will compare each against the regular expressions..." dim oProgram VbsCaLogInc 1 for each oProgram in oPrograms ;--- Get program details --------------------------------- on error resume next dim PgmName : PgmName = "" dim PgmCl : PgmCl = "" if varType(oProgram.ExecutablePath) = vbNULL then PgmName = oProgram.Caption else PgmName = oProgram.ExecutablePath end if if varType(oProgram.CommandLine) <> vbNULL then PgmCl = oProgram.CommandLine 'Should at least contain the program name end if on error goto 0 ;--- No compare ------------------------------------------ CaDebug 0, "Check Program """ & PgmName & """, with command line: " & PgmCl VbsCaLogInc 1 dim Matches oRE.Pattern = RegExp4ProgramName Matches = oRE.test(PgmName) if Matches then CaDebug 0, "Matched program name..." if PgmCl <> "" then ;--- Command line unknown so probably WIN2000 or earlier --- CaDebug 0, "Can check command line so we will..." oRE.Pattern = RegExp4CommandLine Matches = oRE.test(PgmCl) end if end if CaDebug 0, "Matched: " & Matches & ", against: " & oRE.Pattern if Matches then CountOfProgramOccurances = CountOfProgramOccurances + 1 end if VbsCaLogInc -1 next VbsCaLogInc -1 ;--- Set return code and log exit message ------------------------ If CountOfProgramOccurances > 0 Then CaDebug 0, """" & UserFriendlyName & """ is running (" & CountOfProgramOccurances & " instances)" else CaDebug 0, """" & UserFriendlyName & """ is NOT running" end if VbsCaLogInc -1 end function #) #( '<?NewLine>' ;--- Define a reusable macro -------------------------------------------- #define ShowFilesInUseForExecutingPrograms ;;Version 10.051 ;--- Do some parameter validations -------------------------------------- {$!KEYWORDS} ;;Don't Expect any keywords! {$!:#1,SEQ,SEQTABLE,CONDITION} ;;List all valid parameters ;--- Build the Custom Action -------------------------------------------- <$VbsCa Binary="PopulateFilesInUseDialog.vbs"> ;--- Define global variables ----------------------------------------- dim oRE : set oRE = Nothing dim InUseCnt : InUseCnt = 0 dim ProgramNames(), FriendlyNames() ;--- Entry Point ----------------------------------------------------- <$VbsCaEntry "Install"> ;--- Create Regular Expression Object --- CaDebug 1, "Creating Regular Expression Object..." set oRE = new RegExp oRE.IgnoreCase = true ;--- Capture state and display if required ----------------------- CaDebug 1, "Check for running programs and display ""FilesInUse"" dialog if required..." CaptureInUseStateOfSpecifiedPrograms() <$VbsCaEntryName> = HandleRunningPrograms() <$/VbsCaEntry> <?NewLine><?NewLine> '============================================ sub CaptureInUseStateOfSpecifiedPrograms() '============================================ CaDebug 1, "Looking for executing programs and need to be stopped..." VbsCaLogInc 1 InUseCnt = 0 #{ FOR @@X = 1 to <?Data:{$#1}.?> ;;Perform the checks specified by the #data structure IfProgramExecutingThenAddToList "<?Data:{$#1}.@@X.1>", "<?Data:{$#1}.@@X.2>", "<?Data:{$#1}.@@X.3>" #} VbsCaLogInc -1 end sub <?NewLine><?NewLine> '============================================ function HandleRunningPrograms() ' ' Processes the list of running programs we have created. ' At the moment it simply displays the file in use dialog, ' in future it may do more (need to do anything for silent install?). '============================================ ;--- Need to do anything? ---------------------------------------- HandleRunningPrograms = 0 if InUseCnt = 0 then CaDebug 0, "HandleRunningPrograms() : No running programs that need to be stopped." exit function end if ;--- Log entry --------------------------------------------------- CaDebug 0, "HandleRunningPrograms() : We found " & InUseCnt & " programs that need to be stopped." VbsCaLogInc 1 ;--- For now only handle UI -------------------------------------- HandleRunningPrograms = DisplayFilesInUseDialog() ;--- Log Exit ---------------------------------------------------- CaDebug 0, "Finished HandleRunningPrograms()" VbsCaLogInc -1 end function <?NewLine><?NewLine> '============================================ sub IfProgramExecutingThenAddToList(RegExpTextProgramName, RegExpTextCommandLine, ByVal UserFriendlyName) ' ' As its name implies checks to see if a program is running, ' if it is it is added to a list. '============================================ ;--- Log entry --------------------------------------------------- CaDebug 0, "IfProgramExecutingThenAddToList() : " & UserFriendlyName VbsCaLogInc 1 ;--- Is it running? ---------------------------------------------- dim TotalInstances : TotalInstances = CountOfProgramOccurances(RegExpTextProgramName, RegExpTextCommandLine, UserFriendlyName) if TotalInstances <> 0 then if TotalInstances > 1 then UserFriendlyName = UserFriendlyName & " (" & TotalInstances & " instances)" redim preserve ProgramNames(InUseCnt) redim preserve FriendlyNames(InUseCnt) ProgramNames(InUseCnt) = RegExpTextProgramName 'TODO: Forgotten what this is for... FriendlyNames(InUseCnt) = UserFriendlyName InUseCnt = InUseCnt + 1 end if ;--- Log Exit ---------------------------------------------------- CaDebug 0, "IfProgramExecutingThenAddToList() finished..." VbsCaLogInc -1 end sub <?NewLine><?NewLine> '============================================ function DisplayFilesInUseDialog() ' ' This must only be called sometime after "PrepareDlg", ' it (Windows Installer helps here again...) will hang if ' called at the wrong time (needs improving - loop limit?). '============================================ ;--- Log entry --------------------------------------------------- CaDebug 0, "DisplayFilesInUseDialog()" VbsCaLogInc 1 DisplayFilesInUseDialog = 0 ;--- Display "FilesInUse" dialog if program running -------------- CaDebug 0, "Displaying FilesInUse dialog for " & InUseCnt & " programs." dim DialogResponse do ;--- Prepare Basic UI message ------------------------------------ dim BasicUiMsg : BasicUiMsg = "The following programs need to be stopped:" & vbCRLF dim i for i = 0 to InUseCnt-1 BasicUiMsg = BasicUiMsg & vbCRLF & FriendlyNames(i) next ;--- Prepare Record ---------------------------------------------- CaDebug 0, "Preparing record for " & InUseCnt & " programs." dim oMsgRec : set oMsgRec = Installer.CreateRecord(1 + (InUseCnt*2)) oMsgRec.StringData(0) = BasicUiMsg for i = 0 to InUseCnt-1 oMsgRec.StringData(i*2 + 1) = ProgramNames(i) oMsgRec.StringData(i*2 + 2) = FriendlyNames(i) next ;--- Display the dialog, capture the return code/response ----- DialogResponse = session.message(msiMessageTypeFilesInUse, oMsgRec) VbsCaLogInc 1 CaDebug 0, "FileInUse DIALOG RC = " & DialogResponse VbsCaLogInc -1 ;--- User wants to abort? ------------------------------------- if DialogResponse = msiMessageStatusCancel then DisplayFilesInUseDialog = ERROR_INSTALL_USEREXIT CaDebug 0, "User wants to cancel the install!" exit do end if ;--- Exit if we want to ignore ------------------------------------ if DialogResponse = msiMessageStatusIgnore or DialogResponse = msiMessageStatusOK then CaDebug 0, "User wants to ignore this issue!" ;;If you don't want remove/disable dialog button exit do end if ;--- Well must be retrying then :-) ------------------------------- CaDebug 0, "User wants to RETRY, so should have stopped programs, we'll see..." VbsCaLogInc 1 CaptureInUseStateOfSpecifiedPrograms() if InUseCnt = 0 then CaDebug 0, "After retry there are no running programs that need to be stopped :-)" VbsCaLogInc -1 exit do end if VbsCaLogInc -1 loop ;--- Log Exit -------------------------------------------------------- CaDebug 0, "Finished DisplayFilesInUseDialog() : RC = " & DisplayFilesInUseDialog VbsCaLogInc -1 end function ;--- Function defined above ------------------------------------------ <?NewLine><?NewLine> <$VBSFunction.CountOfProgramOccurances> <$/VbsCa> ;--- Schedule somewhere after "PrepareDlg" (or dialog won't display) ---- <$VbsCaSetup Binary="PopulateFilesInUseDialog.vbs" Entry="Install" Type="IMMEDIATE" Seq="{$Seq=^MigrateFeatureStates-^}" SeqTable="{$SeqTable=^InstallUISequence^}" CONDITION=^{$Condition=~<$CONDITION_EXCEPT_UNINSTALL>~}^> #)