MAKEMSI quickly and reliably creates MSI files in a non-programmatic way
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\->Source Code->Configuration / Options->Macro Configuration->DBG_ALL


Please see the "options for commands" section of this manual for general information about the use of macros for configuration.

Used to turn build time debugging on. Valid values are "Y" and "N" (the default). If on then all defined debug is turned on.

Unlike some other macros the initial value is sticky, that is you can't swap between debug being off and on that is because for performance reasons the code is either imbedded into the "core" macros at initialization or not depending on these options.

Debug output goes to the console file and not directly to the console leaving the screen uncluttered. I recommend you don't word wrap as it will be easier to follow (indentation and one line per piece of info).

The "ROW" output should show you nearly all of the database updates and at least help you indentify script you may need to look at closer.

If the file gets too large to load in notepad then I'd suggest the free "WinVI" program as that is the only editor I have found which handles large files (although most claim to).

If you are still having trouble working things out you may need to turn on "PPWIZARD" debugging but unless you are selective it can produce a huge amount of output.

Some Sample Output

Script : COMPANY.MMH(313) - @VBS0037
Command: <$Table "_Validation">

Script : COMPANY.MMH(320) - @VBS0038
Command: <$Row @Where="`Table` = 'ListView' AND `Column` = 'Value'" @OK='=1' Category="Formatted" >

 >> Row Command for table: _Validation
    >> @Where          = `Table` = 'ListView' AND `Column` = 'Value'
    >> @OK             = =1
    >> Category        = Formatted

Script : COMPANY.MMH(321) - @VBS0040
Command: <$/Table>

The "@VBS" ID can be used to quickly locate the generated code in the VBSCRIPT which was created.

More Configuration Details

You can be more selective about what debugging you'd like to turn on, see:

#define? DBG_ALL            N              ;;Value (Y/N) used to set default for following options...
#define? DBG_ALL_VBS        N              ;;Value (Y/N) used to set default for following options... SUPPORT NOT TOO FLASH FOR NOW!!!!
#define? DBG_CONFIGURATION  <$DBG_ALL>     ;;Configuration
#define? DBG_LOCATION       <$DBG_ALL>     ;;Script Line + Command (best to have this on if any other debug is on!)
#define? DBG_DIRECTORY      <$DBG_ALL>     ;;Directory command
#define? DBG_DIRECTORY_TREE <$DBG_ALL>     ;;Conversion of directory tree name into one or more directory keys
#define? DBG_MapUserDir     <$DBG_ALL>     ;;MapUserDir command
#define? DBG_PLATFORM       <$DBG_ALL>     ;;Platform command
#define? DBG_FILEINFO       <$DBG_ALL>     ;;During HTML generation, obtaining file information (image sizes etc)
#define? DBG_MACROCFG       <$DBG_ALL>     ;;MacroCfg command
#define? DBG_MSIVALFILTER   <$DBG_ALL>     ;;MsiValFilter command
#define? DBG_MSIVALIDATION  <$DBG_ALL>     ;;The MSI validation process
#define? DBG_SAMPLES        <$DBG_ALL>     ;;Is a file common or yours?
#define? DBG_ROW_PARMS      <$DBG_ALL>     ;;Row command (see row manipulation by ALL commands etc (not just your own). Good way to find out where a change is being made.
#define? DBG_PROPERTY       <$DBG_ALL>     ;;Property command
#define? DBG_VBSCA          <$DBG_ALL>     ;;VBSCA command
#define? DBG_RegistryImport <$DBG_ALL>     ;;RegistryImport command
#define? DBG_ROW_OTHER      <$DBG_ALL>     ;;Row command (detail other than passed parameters).
#define? DBG_ROW_VBS        <$DBG_ALL_VBS> ;;Row command (see value of "*" column updates)

Microsoft awarded me an MVP (Most Valuable Professional award) in 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008 & 2009 for the Windows SDK (Windows Installer) area.Please email me any feedback, additional information or corrections.
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MAKEMSI© is (C)opyright Dennis Bareis 2003-2008 (All rights reserved).
Saturday May 28 2022 at 3:11pm
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Microsoft awarded me an MVP (Most Valuable Professional award) in 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008 & 2009 for the Windows SDK (Windows Installer) area.