MAKEMSI quickly and reliably creates MSI files in a non-programmatic way
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\->Source Code->Commands->ComPlusRole

The "ComPlusRole" Command

This command can be used any number of times within a "ComPlusApp" block to define or assign COM+ Roles.

If the command is placed between the "ComPlusCompUpdate" and "/ComPlusCompUpdate" commands then it assigns a previously defined role to the component, otherwise it should be nested under the "ComPlusApp" to create a new role in the application. You can only assign roles that have already been created.

This command takes these parameters:


This example shows an application being created. MAKEMSI is choosing the ID (a guid) and it will use the same one for any subsequent build. Both Application and component properties are being set.

;--- Include MAKEMSI --------------------------------------------------------
#include "ME.MMH"

;--- Define installation directory (INSTALLDIR) -----------------------------
<$DirectoryTree Key="INSTALLDIR" Dir="[ProgramFilesFolder]\SomeDirectory" CHANGE="\" PrimaryFolder="Y">

;--- I'm using any handy DLLs for this sample (I don't expect it to work...) ---
#define FILE_SRC_DIR       C:\Program Files\makemsi
#define SAMPLE_COM+DLL_#1  MakeMSI.DLL
#define SAMPLE_COM+DLL_#2  Reg4mm.dll

;--- Add the files (MSI components auto-generated) --------------------------

;--- Create properties for USERID/PASSWORD (could create dialog to ask user) ---
<$Property "USERID"   Value="Fred">   ;;Can override on command line if wanted
<$Property "PASSWORD" Value="abc">    ;;Can override on command line if wanted

;--- Define the COM+ Application --------------------------------------------
#data 'CaData' 2
    ;--- Pass installation directory and install time DLL names -------------
    "INSTALLDIR"        "[INSTALLDIR]"                ;;Location of installation directory
    "COMPLUS_DLL_1"     "[#<$SAMPLE_COM+DLL_#1>]"     ;;Want full install time location of specified file "RowKey"
    "COMPLUS_DLL_2"     "[#<$SAMPLE_COM+DLL_#2>]"

    ;--- Pass UserId and Password -------------------------------------------
    "USERID"            "[USERID]"
    "PASSWORD"          "[PASSWORD]"
         User=^VbsCaCadGet("USERID")^ PassWord=^VbsCaCadGet("PASSWORD")^
;        User=^"Dennis"^ PassWord=^"abc"^
;          ID="{47819B72-386A-4400-830C-1D0172EBF456}"
   ;--- Set some Application attributes -------------------------------------
   <$ComPlusProperty "Description"                     VALUE=^"Test Application created by TestMsi.MM"^>
   <$ComPlusProperty "AccessChecksLevel"               VALUE="COMAdminAccessChecksApplicationComponentLevel">
   <$ComPlusProperty "ApplicationAccessChecksEnabled"  VALUE="True">

   ;--- Create some application ROLES ---------------------------------------
   <$ComPlusRole "DennisBareisTestUsers" Description="Users for the DennisBareisTest test application" USERS="Everyone;Dennis">

   ;--- Add components (note that a single DLL can have more than 1 component!) -------------------------
   <$ComPlusComp DLL=^(*COMPLUS_DLL_1*)^>       ;;Filenames passed in Custom Action data (correct no matter where user installed them)
   <$ComPlusComp DLL=^(*COMPLUS_DLL_2*)^>

   ;--- Update the component(s) ---------------------------------------------
   <$ComPlusCompUpdate>          ;;Update all components (PROGID not supplied)
       ;--- Assign ROLES to the COMPONENT -----------------------------------
       <$ComPlusRole "DennisBareisTestUsers">
       <$ComPlusProperty "ComponentAccessChecksEnabled"  VALUE="True">

   ;--- Try some exporting --------------------------------------------------
   <$ComPlusExport MSI="out\ExportedCom-App.msi"   PROXY="N">
   <$ComPlusExport MSI="out\ExportedCom-Proxy.msi" PROXY="Y">

Microsoft awarded me an MVP (Most Valuable Professional award) in 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008 & 2009 for the Windows SDK (Windows Installer) area.Please email me any feedback, additional information or corrections.
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MAKEMSI© is (C)opyright Dennis Bareis 2003-2008 (All rights reserved).
Saturday May 28 2022 at 3:11pm
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Microsoft awarded me an MVP (Most Valuable Professional award) in 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008 & 2009 for the Windows SDK (Windows Installer) area.