Please see the "options for commands" section of this manual for general information about the use of macros for configuration.
Normally MAKEMSI creates a "complete" feature which is intended to cover both simple installations where you don't need more than one as well as complex ones where you want to make it simple to advertise the whole install rather than individual features.
If you don't want a complete feature created then set this macro to "N". Of course this may require more tweeks to a script if it was previously written to rely on the existance of this complete feature.
There are many options to control how this feature installs as follows:
#define? COMPANY_COMPLETE_FEATURE_TITLE Complete #define? COMPANY_COMPLETE_FEATURE_DESCRIPTION The Complete feature #define? COMPANY_COMPLETE_FEATURE_DIRECTORY ;;Must be a "Directory" key (or blank)! #define? COMPANY_COMPLETE_FEATURE_DISPLAY 1 ;;Expanded by default #define? COMPANY_COMPLETE_FEATURE_DIRECTORY_AS_PRIMARY_FOLDER Y #define? COMPANY_COMPLETE_FEATURE_INSTALL_ON_DEMAND N #if ['<$COMPANY_COMPLETE_FEATURE_INSTALL_ON_DEMAND>' = 'N'] #define? COMPANY_COMPLETE_FEATURE_ATTRIBUTES UIDisallowAbsent #elseif #define? COMPANY_COMPLETE_FEATURE_ATTRIBUTES UIDisallowAbsent FavorSource FavorAdvertise #endif #ifndef COMPANY_COMPLETE_FEATURE ;;Name of complete feature ;--- Event log messages may show this but LITTLE other detail (make meaningful!) --- #define? COMPANY_COMPLETE_FEATURE_TEMPLATE \ ALL.<$ProductVersion>.<$ProdInfo.ProductName> ;;Will truncate to max length (move valuable stuff to the left...) #DefineRexx '' nopack ;--- Build ID that would identify product in Event log ---------- @@T = '<$COMPANY_COMPLETE_FEATURE_TEMPLATE>'; ;--- Make sure it only contains valid chars for an ID ----------- <$Rexx2FixMsiId IDVAR="@@T"> ;--- Make sure not longer than "Feature" table can handle ------- if length(@@T) > <$TABLES_LNG_FEATURE_COLUMN> then @@T = left(@@T, <$TABLES_LNG_FEATURE_COLUMN>); ;--- Store it --------------------------------------------------- Call MacroSet 'COMPANY_COMPLETE_FEATURE', @@T #DefineRexx #endif
The name "Complete" is used by many tools to represent the complete feature, and MAKEMSI uses this for the name that the users sees, internally MAKEMSI uses (by default) a name that includes the product name and version. The reason for this is that Windows Installer event logging is very poor and with the name MAKEMSI generates at least you have a clue (minus the hours of research) as to which product has issues.