Add Dialog Identification To Titlebar |
Sometimes it can be hard when manipulating the user interface to work out which dialog does what (for example when you'd like to position a new dialog with the "Dialog" command).
The following code shows how all existing dialogs can be tweeked to preceed the existing title with the dialog name in square brackets so that as you move from dialog to dialog the name is readily visible:
#define? UISAMPLE_DIALOGS_ID_IN_TITLE.D N ;;In developer mode? #define? UISAMPLE_DIALOGS_ID_IN_TITLE.P N ;;In production mode? - probably not! #if ['<$UISAMPLE_DIALOGS_ID_IN_TITLE.[MMMODE]>' = 'Y'] ;--- We wish to add the dialog name to the title ------------------------ <$Table "Dialog"> <$Row @Where="" @OK=^? > 0^ *Title=^"[\[]" & <$COLSTR.Dialog.Dialog> & "[\]] - " & <$COLSTR.Dialog.Title>^> <$/Table> #endif
As the above code is already included by "UISAMPLE.MMH" you only need to override the switch, for example "UISAMPLE_DIALOGS_ID_IN_TITLE.D".