.. | back to parent | |
Applets - Java | 1 url | |
Cascading Style Sheets | 5 urls | |
Color Tools | 9 urls and 1 category | |
Counters - Page or Download | 6 urls | |
Creating Polls & Forms | 3 urls | |
DHTML and JavaScript | 11 urls | |
DOM Browsers | 5 urls | |
Fonts | 4 urls | |
Graphics & Icons | 27 urls and 4 categories | |
HTML Based Help or Doco | 11 urls and 2 categories | |
Multi Browser | 2 urls | |
Navigation - Menus | 2 urls | |
News Feeds | 1 url | |
PICS Rating | 4 urls | |
Preprocessors | 7 urls and 1 category | |
Search Engines - How | 4 urls and 1 category | |
Search Engines For Your Pages | 4 urls | |
Sound - WAV etc | 1 url | |
Statistics | 1 url | |
Tool Tips | 9 urls | |
Windows Web Site Tools | 9 urls and 3 categories |
BrainJar.com Experiments in Web Programming | http://brainjar.com/ |
21 November 2002 4:34:50pm
BrainJar.com features technical articles, tutorials and examples of programming for the web. It's not intended as a "cut and paste" site but rather a learning resource. It has quite a useful Javascript based "DOM viewer" which you can use to debug your pages (I don't know about anyone else my IE debugger stopped working once I saw how good it was... Actually this has happened to me a lot with Windows...). Has a nice menu bar code and looks like a very good site. |
Rex Swain's HTTP Viewer |
http://www.rexswain.com/ httpview.html |
30 August 2002 4:00:41pm
An internet based (online) tool. You provide the URL of a site, and this viewer shows what is received by the browser, including the HTTP header, whether cookies are being set, URL forwarding, and other information. |
Beginning HTML at htmlgoodies.com |
http://htmlgoodies. earthweb.com/ |
16 May 2000 8:24:18pm
Bookmarklets for Power Users |
http://javascript.about. com/od/bookmarklets/ |
28 May 2004 2:49:23pm
A good collection of "bookmarklets". These are small bits of javsacript which serve a useful purpose and are suitable for saving as a browser "bookmark" making them easy to run. These might also be handy for developers trying to work out how to do some things. |
CGI Extremes - A Perl and CGI Script Resource |
http://www.cgiextremes. com/index.php3 |
20 May 2001 3:36:16pm | |
Colorblind Web Page Filter |
http://colorfilter. wickline.org/ |
12 May 2004 4:41:12pm
Allows you to see how web pages might look to a colour blind person, many types of problems are covered. |
Cookie Central |
http://www.cookiecentral. com/ |
07 May 2000 5:57:32am
All sorts of good information about cookies |
Developer.com An EarthWeb site | http://www.developer.com/ |
12 November 2002 6:52:47pm
Documents about WWW written or recommended by Jukka Korpela |
http://www.cs.tut.fi/ ~jkorpela/www.html |
22 June 2002 2:53:44pm | |
Dr. Watson, v4.0 | http://watson.addy.com/ |
13 August 2000 12:42:16pm
Dr. Watson is a free service to analyze your web page on the Internet. You give it the URL of your page and Watson will get a copy of it directly from the web server. Watson understands the latest HTML 3.2 standards, as well as Netscape and Microsoft extensions up through version 4.x. Watson can also check out many other aspects of your site, including link validity, download speed, search engine compatibility, and link popularity |
Expandable Outlines - webreference.com |
http://www.webreference. com/dhtml/column12/ |
07 May 2000 5:57:34am
Freewarejava.com |
http://www.freewarejava. com/ |
07 May 2000 5:57:34am
Also has JavaScript stuff! |
IANA MIME Media Types |
http://www.iana.org/ assignments/media-types/ index.html |
27 September 2002 7:38:19am
Lists standard mime types and allows you to apply for one.
Index Dot HTML THE Advanced HTML Reference |
http://www.blooberry.com/ indexdot/html/index.html |
11 October 2001 12:53:22pm
Quite a good HTML reference with lots of details including browser support and features (site also has a CSS reference). |
JitterBug - main page |
http://jitterbug.samba. org/ |
07 May 2000 5:57:34am
JitterBug is a web based bug tracking system. It was originally developed by the Samba Team to handle bug tracking, problem reports and queries from Samba users. It is now available under the GNU General Public License in the hope that it will be useful for other projects |
LinkPopularity.com The Free Link Popularity Service |
http://www. linkpopularity.com/ |
12 October 2000 1:30:02pm
Free Link Popularity Service. Knowing who links to your site, and increasing the number of links, is an important part of any web site promotion effort. This free service queries Infoseek, Altavista, and Hotbot and reports on link popularity |
List of All HTML 4 Attributes |
http://www.w3.org/TR/ html4/index/attributes. html |
26 September 2000 8:06:46pm
Very handly list of HTML 4.0 attributes and the tags they apply to. They all link to the relevant 4.0 documentation. |
Matt's Script Archive |
http://www.scriptarchive. com/ |
08 June 2002 2:32:22pm
Matt's Script Archive. Many free CGI scripts and other goodies. Links to other sites. |
Net Mechanic |
http://www.netmechanic. com/ |
07 May 2000 5:57:34am
link testing, HTML validation, load time testing and spell checking etc |
Port80 Software Performance Developing Your Site for Performance |
http://www. port80software.com/ support/articles/ developforperformance1 |
17 March 2004 8:25:28am | |
TheFreeSite.com Freebies for Web authors and Webmasters and Web page authors |
http://www.thefreesite. com/Webmaster_Freebies/ |
06 July 2000 8:36:30pm
Freebies for Web authors and Webmasters and Web page authors |
W3C - The World Wide Web Consortium | http://www.w3.org/ | 07 May 2000 5:57:34am | |
WDG - HTML Help by The Web Design Group | http://www.htmlhelp.com/ |
07 May 2000 5:57:34am
Web Design Group (WDG). Has some good information (FAQ is very good) and links as well as some HTML validation programs (offline and online). |
Web Content Accessibility Guidelines 1.0 |
http://www.w3.org/TR/ WAI-WEBCONTENT/ |
05 July 2000 6:59:50pm | |
Web Developer's Virtual Library! Encyclopedia of Web Design Tutorials, Articles and Discussions | http://www.wdvl.com/ |
07 May 2000 5:57:34am
Web Photos that Pop 5 Production Graphics with Wendy Peck at webreference.com |
http://www.webreference. com/graphics/column49/ |
17 July 2001 8:24:12am
Simple techniques to improve photos for display on web pages.
Welcome to Freewarejava.com, the place to find free Java applets, tutorials, references, Java books, and more! |
http://www.freewarejava. com/ |
12 November 2002 7:10:19pm | |
Welcome to internet.com's Web Developer Channel |
http://www.internet.com/ sections/webdev.html |
07 May 2000 5:57:34am
[Free Center] Find free homepages, webpages, email, counters, trackers, promotion links and more! |
http://www.freecenter. com/ |
07 May 2000 5:57:34am | |
irt.org - Home Page |
http://www.irt.org/index. htm |
03 September 2000 4:55:40pm
Very good site with heaps of information on all sorts of areas (html, css, javsscript etc).
reallybig.com - !The Complete Resource for All Web Builders! | http://reallybig.com/ |
28 February 2003 10:19:34am
A complete listing of all URLS is available if you are having trouble locating a URL.
If you have some completely free software (no adware and without timeouts or major restrictions) which you would like listed then please email me:
This page was automatically created from Windows internet shortcuts (or favorites) created with IE or Netscape (OS/2 WPS URLs can also be imported). You can comment any link or category and just about anything can be changed (links don't even need to be in tables). PPWIZARD, a free tool for Windows, Mac OS X, Unix or OS/2 built these pages using this source code .
All URLs are checked periodically using the my free URL validation tool (for Windows and OS/2). This ensures that very few if any links point to moved pages or return 404 errors etc.
Unframe "bookmark_html.htm"
Sunday April 06 2014 at 5:42pm