MAKEMSI quickly and reliably creates MSI files in a non-programmatic way
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\->Building or Updating MSIs->Validations->MSI Validation->MAKEMSI.FLT


The "makemsi.flt" file is used by MAKEMSI during MSI validation processing.

I recommend that it not be modified, if you examine its contents (below) you will see that if you have a "BuildMSI.MM" script then the contents of a file called "BuildMSI.FLT" will be included if it exists.

The "MsiValFilter" command provides an another alternative method for specifying filter lines.

As the "main" filter is identified by the "VALID_FILTER_FILE" macro if you wished to make a global change then copy this filter file to another location, give it a reasonable filename so its obvious what it is and then configure MAKEMSI to use this via the macro.

The following shows the files contents:

;        $Author:   USER "Dennis"  $
;      $Revision:   1.4  $
;          $Date:   06 Aug 2017 08:29:24  $
;       $Logfile:   D:/DBAREIS/Projects.PVCS/Win32/MakeMsi/MakeMsi.flt.pvcs  $

;--- Only Allow this to be included once ------------------------------------
   ;--- Some how including it twice! ----------------------------------------
   #eof 1
#define MAKEMSI_FLT_VERSION 17.216

;--- Some helper macros -----------------------------------------------------
        ;--- Don't do this twice --------------------------------------------

        ;--- Define helpers -------------------------------------------------
        #( ''
           #define FilterNoLongerSupportsTheMacroMacro

           #ifdef {$#1}
                  #error ^The "{$#1}" ("FILTER_") macro is no longer supported you will need to modify the macro and the equivalent new macro starts with "FILTER_HOOK_" and uses the "MsiValFilter" command.^
        #define REASON_YONKS Incorrect in that it works (for 15+ years)

;--- Ignore "internal errors" -----------------------------------------------
   #define+ REASON1                   KNOWN MICROSOFT BUG:
           ;/-UNKNOWN   ICE Internal Error/
           <$MsiValFilter "UNKNOWN   ICE Internal Error" Comment=^<$REASON1> The validation itself failed <$REASON_MACRO_NOT_DEFINED>^>

           ;/-Based on the tables and columns in your database, it should be marked with a schema between/
           <$MsiValFilter "Based on the tables and columns in your database, it should be marked with a schema between" Comment=^<$REASON1> Simply incorrect <$REASON_MACRO_NOT_DEFINED>^>

;--- "darice.cub" specific (over W2K validations - "logo.cub") --------------
#define+ REASON1   KNOWN MICROSOFT BUG IN "darice.cub":
        ;/-has a directory that is a public property (ALL CAPS) and is under user profile directory./
        <$MsiValFilter "has a directory that is a public property (ALL CAPS) and is under user profile directory." Comment=^<$REASON1> Simply incorrect^>

        ;/-Property `AdminUser` found in column `ControlCondition`.`Condition`/
        <$MsiValFilter "Property `AdminUser` found in column `ControlCondition`.`Condition`" Comment=^<$REASON1> Simply incorrect^>

        ;/-Property `AdminUser` found in column `ControlEvent`.`Condition`/
        <$MsiValFilter "Property `AdminUser` found in column `ControlEvent`.`Condition`" Comment=^<$REASON1> Simply incorrect^>

        #define REASON2 <$REASON_YONKS> in the context of how MAKEMSI performs major upgrades
            ;/-This product should remove only older versions of itself. No Maximum version was detected for the current product./
            <$MsiValFilter "This product should remove only older versions of itself. No Maximum version was detected for the current product." Comment=^<$REASON1> <$REASON2>^>

            ;/-Upgrade.VersionMin and Upgrade.VersionMax cannot both be null. UpgradeCode is /
            <$MsiValFilter "Upgrade.VersionMin and Upgrade.VersionMax cannot both be null. UpgradeCode is " Comment=^<$REASON1> <$REASON2>^>

        ;/-Complete functionality of the MsiFileHash table is only available with Windows Installer version 1.5. Your schema is/
        <$MsiValFilter "Complete functionality of the MsiFileHash table is only available with Windows Installer version 1.5. Your schema is" Comment=^<$REASON_YONKS>^>

;--- We are just about to pass through ALL ERRORS ---------------------------
<$FilterNoLongerSupportsTheMacroMacro "FILTER_BEFORE_ERROR_FILTER">
   ;--- User filter hook ----------------------------------------------------

;--- Pass through ALL ERRORS ------------------------------------------------
;/+ ERROR /
<$MsiValFilter " ERROR " Comment=^All messages containing " ERROR " and not previously filtered out are treated as errors.^ TYPE="+">

;--- We just passed through ALL ERRORS --------------------------------------
<$FilterNoLongerSupportsTheMacroMacro "FILTER_AFTER_ERROR_FILTER">
   ;--- User filter hook ----------------------------------------------------

;--- Remove line added by the find.exe filter -------------------------------
<$MsiValFilter "---------" Comment=^This line exists because of MAKEMSI filter processing (via FIND.EXE)^>

;--- Remove blank lines -----------------------------------------------------
<$MsiValFilter "" Comment=^Blank lines are ignored^>

;--- Ignore any hard coding of directory locations via property table -------
   ;/- appears to be hardcoded in the property table to a local drive/
   <$MsiValFilter " appears to be hardcoded in the property table to a local drive" Comment=^ANZ frequently forces hardcoding via it's standards such as "D:" being a server data drive and "FILTER_NO_WARNING_FOR_HARDCODED_DIRECTORY_ENTRIES" was not defined^>

;--- We don't care about "REINSTALLMODE" being in the property table --------
   ;/-REINSTALLMODE is defined in the Property table./
   <$MsiValFilter "REINSTALLMODE is defined in the Property table" Comment=^MAKEMSI is performing major updates so this message doesn't matter and "FILTER_WANT_WARNING_FOR_RESINSTALLMODE_IN_PROP_TABLE" was not defined^>

;--- Ignore ASSOCIATION type warnings ---------------------------------------
   #define+ REASON1   MAKEMSI registers associations via registry and "FILTER_NO_WARNING_FOR_SHOULD_BE_REGISTERED_VIA_PROGID" was not defined.
           ;/- Icon associations should be registered via the ProgId and Icon tables/
           <$MsiValFilter " Icon associations should be registered via the ProgId and Icon tables" Comment=^<$REASON1>^>

           ;/- Shell extension verbs info should be registered via the Verb table./
           <$MsiValFilter " Shell extension verbs info should be registered via the Verb table." Comment=^<$REASON1>^>

           ;/- should be registered via the ProgId table/
           <$MsiValFilter " should be registered via the ProgId table" Comment=^<$REASON1>^>

           ;/-ProgId - CLSID associations should be registered via the ProgId and Class tables/
           <$MsiValFilter "ProgId - CLSID associations should be registered via the ProgId and Class tables" Comment=^<$REASON1>^>

   #define+ REASON1   MAKEMSI registers associations via registry and "FILTER_NO_WARNING_FOR_SHOULD_BE_REGISTERED_VIA_EXTENSION" was not defined.
           ;/- should be registered via the Extension table/
           <$MsiValFilter " should be registered via the Extension table" Comment=^<$REASON1>^>

;--- All other warnings to go through ---------------------------------------
<$FilterNoLongerSupportsTheMacroMacro "FILTER_BEFORE_WARNING_FILTER_ALL">
   ;--- User filter hook ----------------------------------------------------

;--- We treat All OTHER WARNING as errors -----------------------------------
<$MsiValFilter " WARNING" Comment=^All messages containing " WARNING" and not previously filtered out are treated as errors.^ TYPE="+">

<$FilterNoLongerSupportsTheMacroMacro "FILTER_AFTER_WARNING_FILTER_ALL">
   ;--- User filter hook ----------------------------------------------------

;--- Probably should never get here... Pass anything else through -----------
<$MsiValFilter "*" Comment=^Don't really expect to get this far but anything not already filtered is treated as an error^ TYPE="+">

Microsoft awarded me an MVP (Most Valuable Professional award) in 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008 & 2009 for the Windows SDK (Windows Installer) area.Please email me any feedback, additional information or corrections.
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MAKEMSI© is (C)opyright Dennis Bareis 2003-2008 (All rights reserved).
Saturday May 28 2022 at 3:11pm
Visit MAKEMSI's Home Page
Microsoft awarded me an MVP (Most Valuable Professional award) in 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008 & 2009 for the Windows SDK (Windows Installer) area.